This may be the lamest blog post I've ever had, but I couldn't resist. Whenever I hear the word eclipse, I think of the song by Bonnie Tyler, "Total Eclipse of the Heart."
Once upon a time there was light in my life But now there's only love in the dark
So when I walked out onto the front porch tonight to watch the moon pass through the shadow of the Earth, of course, that song was the first thing that came to my mind. And then my second thought was to start singing it, to the moon. A lunar serenade.
There's no one in the universe as magical and wonderous as you I started really softly, barely audible. And then, after checking to make sure no one was looking, I turned up my volume.
Turnaround bright eyes
Pretty soon I found myself lost in the gaze of the moon's winking eye and in the lyrics of this song... So lost that I didn't realize that about 37 of my neighbors had gathered around to sing it with me.
Forever's gonna start tonight Forever's gonna start tonight
We all held hands and belted the last lines into the sky as the moon's eye shut completely.
Nothing I can say A total eclipse of the heart
Needless to say, after the singing stopped and we all came back down to Earth, we all pretty much felt awkward, stupid, embarrassed. Guess it was just one of those moments in time (insert Whitney Houston's "One Moment in Time" here) that we'll never be able to capture again. Well, at least not until 2010. Next time I should make a dip or something for my guests. A lunar dip. How rude of me not to think of that this time around. All that eclipse etiquette training out the door.
Ok but the important part - did the moon like the serenade, and did it put out for you that night?
Were there any ROBOTS singing with you?????
No robots Brian, at least not that I know of... but I do wonder sometimes about this one couple down the street. They're always carrying around a can of oil and squeezing it into each other's shoulders. Hmm?
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